Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Know If a Hiring Manager Is Stringing You Along

How to Know If a Hiring Manager Is Stringing You AlongHow to Know If a Hiring Manager Is Stringing You AlongYou sent off your application to a company and even had an in-person interview. It seems like the process is moving along and your next role is within your grasp. You eagerly refresh your email and wait by the phone as the days drag on with no word. You send an email follow-up, and they claim to still be interviewing and will make a decision next week. The following week arrives and you receive the same disappointing response still interviewing. Now its your turn to make a decision. How do you really know if the company is stringing you along and whether its time to move on and keep looking for other jobs? Read on to equip yourself with the insight to understand if youre being strung along and how to handle the situation.How do you know if a company/hiring manager is just leading you on?Its difficult to know whats really occurring in a company during the hiring process. If you dont hear back from companies on the designated date, or if they continue to claim they are interviewing, you should elend immediately assume the worst or jump to conclusions. Hiring can feel like a strain for employees. The process can take a while because the company wants to explore a number of candidates, and then the stakeholders must talk or sometimes debate over whom to hire. If you feel confident about the interview and havent heard anything, be proactive and reach out.Also, there can be signs that the company is like a bad date leading you on. If the hiring manager or recruiter schedules mora interviews with you and fails to attend or cancels at the last minute, this should raise a red flag. Also, if you fail to hear from the company after months and consistently try to reach out, it is safe to say you should search elsewhere. It should raise a red flag if a hiring manager or recruiter fails to return your calls and emails. While the communication is lacking on their end a nd you may feel helpless, you are not completely powerless in this situation. You should use this lapse in communication as an indicator of whether this is really a company you would like to work for. While open position can be put on hold or delayed, an honest hiring manager or recruiter will inform you of this.What if they keep asking you to come in for more interviews or do a project?Just one more interview five interviews later. Interviewing you multiple times requires effort and the use of individuals time who certainly have other priorities in their roles. If you were not actually being considered for the role, you would not interview with additional people. Some companies really need a strong confirmation before hiring you. More interviews are usually a good sign that you are a promising candidate. Sometimes a hiring manager will ask you to do a small project to evaluate your thought process, skills and work quality. This is also a good sign. As long as the project does not sound like it would require days of work or is designed to steal your free ideas, consider more interviews and projects a promising sign of nearing the end of the process. Youve decided youre being strung along or, alternatively, the company is simply slow in its decision-making. What should you do?If you know youre being strung alongTake a deep breath, take a few minutes to express your disappointment and move on. There is no sense in dwelling on what could have been. Continue considering other opportunities and searching for jobs on If the company is dishonest and deceptive in its hiring practices, consider whether you would have enjoyed working there. Do not be discouraged with your job hunt simply because one company strings you along. It does not reflect on your abilities or chances at obtaining a role.If it is just taking forever to make a decisionThere may be a way to speed up the process. If you really prefer this company and have multiple job offers, you ca n expedite the decision by making the company aware of your other offers. But if you dont have multiple offers, how do you express a sense of urgency? Remain consistent with your communication. While following up every single day can become annoying, dont let too much time pass without follow-up. Be open about your timeline and let them know there could be a risk of you not waiting. You dont necessarily need to say you dont have other offers, but let them know you are actively looking but really like the company. Only express this sentiment if you are fairly certain you will accept otherwise you become the one playing hard to get. While you may not yet know the salary, if you are truly interested in the company, patience is a virtue, and follow-up and communication are the keys.While you are interviewing and waiting, ensure you have a backup plan and continue job hunting. The company is considering all of its options, and you should too. It is to your advantage to continue your job search on to be able to weigh competing offers and find a job you love.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Were so obsessed with our phones, we emotionally connect to them

Were so obsessed with our phones, we emotionally connect to themWere so obsessed with our phones, we emotionally connect to themHeres a chilling thought We are so physically and mentally connected to our phones that sometimes we think theyve gone off, even when nothings actually happened.A 2017 study published in Computers in Human Behavior 70 found evidence thatphantom cell phone experiences are related to psychological dependency on cell phone communications.The study is based on 766 undergraduate college students who attend a large public university in the Midwestern USA. Its easy to see how it applies to all of us, however.Its not your phone, its actually youPhantom vibrations from your phone are evidence of how it controls you with intermittent rewards.Getting a text feels good. Theres nothing like seeing your phone light up, knowing that someone could potentially be reaching out to check in on you, making plans for this weekend (or maybe even tonight).Turns out, theres a reason why.The American Marketing Association referenced a study by media-buying firm RadiumOne, which said that using social media triggers the release of dopaminebig time. In other words, we get happy.The study reportedly said thatevery time we post, share, like, comment or send an invitation online, we are creating an expectation, and that we feel a sense of belonging and advance our concept of self through sharing.Heres the schwimmbad news that intermittent hit of expectation from some digital interactions is how addictions are formed.In an article on The Conversation,Daniel J. Kruger, a co-author on the 2017 study,pointed out that although excessive use of cellphones or other technology was not actually included in themost recent versionof the DSM-5, the American Psychiatric Associations text on classifying and identifying mental disorders, the underlying trend is certainly similar to an addiction.One of the features of addictions is that people become hypersensitive to cues related to the rewards they are craving. Whatever it is, they start to see it everywhere. (I had a college roommate who once thought that he saw a bees nest made out of cigarette butts hanging from the ceiling), Kruger wrote.Our phones are neverthat far awayThe sky is the limit for this kind of addiction. Were able to do just about anything on our phones these days,so why wouldnt we use them all the time?A 2015 Pew Research Center report said that 62% of smart phone owners have used their phone in the last yearto learn moreabout a health condition, 57% for online banking, 44% for real estate listings or other information about a place to live, 30% to take a class or get educational content, and 18% to submit a job application, among other things, according to a Pew survey of American trends.No wonder around 44% of people with smartphones have had problems getting something done because their phone was elsewhere, according to the 2015 report, based on a survey of American trends.The two-phon e work trendIts also not uncommon for us to need two phones one for work, and one for personal use, as a security measure. Mixing personal and business communications on the same phone can become a problem since your workplace can demand their property back - which includes all the work-related communications youve ever made.Even one phone will make professionals hyperconnected to their jobs.A 2015 white paper by the Center for Creative Leadership said that a 2012 survey of 483executives, managers and professionalsfound that 60%of those who use smartphones for work are connected to work 13.5 or more hours a day, five days a week, and spend about five hours on weekends scanning e-mails, for a total of about 72 hours a week connected to work.Thats a lot of power for a little phone. Perhaps set some time aside to disconnect and regain control over your life.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Different Types of Work Schedules

Different Types of Work SchedulesDifferent Types of Work SchedulesA work schedule generally refers to the days per week and the hours per day that an employee is expected to be at their job. There are several different types of work schedules, which vary based on the organization and the position. Your schedule can also vary based on the time of year. For example, some jobs have work schedules that change, depending on the season. Make sure you know the work schedule for any job before accepting a position. This will help you avoid any surprises when you start work. Check the Work Schedule Before Accepting a Job The type of schedule required for a job is typically included in the job posting or explained during a job interview. However, if youre not clear about the hours, check with the employer prior to accepting a job offer. Its important to know if the work schedule will fit with your lifestyle and other responsibilities, like family or school. Even if a job is listed as full- time or part-time, you might want to follow up with questions about what your weekly schedule would look like. For example, one job seeker accepted a salaried job where she expected to work 40 hours per week, only to find out that the expectation was for 50. On the flip side, another applicant accepted a part-time job that he expected to be 25-30 hours a week. The employer scheduled him for 8-10 hours, and even less some weeks. You might also double-check the days each week that you are expected to work. For example, some jobs require you to come in on weekends, while others are only Monday through Friday. Types of Work Schedules Full-Time Work Schedule A full-time work schedule often requires a commitment of 37-40 hours per week. Because of the long hours, fruchtwein jobs with full-time schedules are eligible for employee benefits. These benefits can include vacation and sick days, health insurance, and different retirement plan options. Full-time schedules vary from company to company, but most of the time, employees will work the saatkorn shift every week. The most common full-time work schedule is a variant of 900 AM to 500 PM, Monday through Friday, adding up to 40 hours per week. While most full-time work schedules are normally the same shift each day, in some cases (like retail), shifts can vary, but the number of hours will still add up to 35-40 per week. Full-time non-exempt workers generally receive overtime pay. This happens when the hours worked exceed the established 40-hour maximum. Overtime is paid at a minimum of base hourly pay plus a half of that base pay, also known as time and a half. This is typical for people who get paid hourly. Exempt employees are not generally eligible for overtime. Most exempt employees receive a salary instead of an hourly rate. Part-Time Work Schedule A part-time work schedule is any schedule less than full-time employment. The benefit of this type of schedule is that it allows for greater flexibility to mainta in other responsibilities outside of work. Part-time work often does not include benefits offered to full-time employees, and hours can be erratic and inconsistent from week to week. An example of a part-time work schedule could be Monday through Wednesday from 700 AM to 1100 AM and Saturday and Sunday 1100 AM to 700 PM. Fixed Work Schedule A fixed work schedule is a timetable that generally consists of the same number of hours and days worked per week. Fixed work schedules tend to stay consistent once the number of hours and the days have been agreed upon by both the employer and the worker. An example of a fixed schedule would be Monday through Friday from 830 AM to 500 PM or Thursday through Sunday from 300 PM to 1100 PM. Flexible Work Schedule A flexible work schedule is less rigid than a fixed schedule. Employees and employers work together to determine the number of hours and days of the week the employee will work. Depending on the employers policy, employees may be expected to work a minimum number of hours or be at work at a certain daily block of time, but shifts can often be switched with other coworkers in order to satisfy the needs of the employer and the busy life of the employee. Flexible work schedules can vary infinitely, but an example might look like Monday - 900 AM to 1230 PM, Tuesday - 1100 AM to 400 PM, Saturday and Sunday - 200 PM to close. Rotating Shift Work Schedule Rotating work schedules cycle employees through day, swing, and night shifts. This cycle helps to distribute different shifts between all employees so that no one is stuck with the less desirable hours every shift. This work schedule is not as common but can be seen in many careers like the military, construction work, roadwork jobs, power plants, and health care. These shifts can cycle weekly or quarterly, depending on the type of work required. For many employees, the transition between the different schedules can be tricky. Sleep and eating patterns change and the emplo yee may see their family and friends less because of their rotating schedule. This type of timetable does have some benefits. Employees are able to spend more time with family and friends during their normal work hours, and may be able to run errands they normally would not be able to complete. Hours can cycle between day shifts (700 AM to 300 PM), swing shifts (100 PM to 900 PM), and weekend, night, or overnight shifts. Key Takeaways Ask About Your Work Schedule Before You Start a New Job Its important to know whether youre working full- or part-time, for example, before you accept.Flexible or Fixed- Know Which Type of Schedule You Have Some positions have the same hours each week, while others vary. You may even be able to work a varying schedule that leaves room for your other commitments.Certain Jobs May Require Rotating Shifts If you work in construction, health care, or a few other industries, you may be asked to work different shifts depending on the organizations needs.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Featured Resume Template from Kyle Elliott

Featured Resume Template from Kyle Elliott Featured Resume Template from Kyle Elliott In conjunction with Jobscans new resume optimization checks which include formatting checks for headings, dates, file types, and more weve invited career coaches and resume writers to share exclusive resume schablones with our readers. First up is Caffeinated Kyle Elliot out of the San Francisco Bay area. Be sure to follow him on LinkedIn and check out his website.Learn more about Jobscans new resume checks at the bottom of this article, or try them out for yourself.About Kyle ElliottIm the Career Coach behind Im also a self-proclaimed Starbucks addict. My goal is simple - to help people find jobs they LOVE (or at least tolerate). As a result of working with me, students through C-suite executives have landed jobs at Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and nearly every other Fortune 100/500 company you can think of. They have also found happiness.I write resumes, co ver letters and LinkedIn profiles that wow recruiters and hiring managers. I also provide strengths-based career and life coaching. I work with students through Fortune 100/500 executives.You can follow me on LinkedIn where Im often talking about work, life and Starbucks. You may visit to learn more about my services.Download Kyles resume templateDownload .docxWhat should job seekers look for in a resume template?You should be customizing your resume for each position youre applying to. Most job seekers skip this step because they think its too time-consuming. It doesnt have to be - set a timer for 20 minutes MAX and update your Career Summary, Areas of Expertise, and Technology Profiled for each application you submit.Whats new at JobscanJobscans resume optimization toolnow checks your formatting based on applicant tracking system and recruiter best practices. New intelligent checks make even the best resume templates more ATS compatible and recruiter-friendly than ever.ATS ChecksHard skills, soft skills, and keyword matchingJob title and education matchingATS-friendly section headingsNEWATS-friendly date formattingNEWATS-friendly file typeNEWNeed more ideas? Check out Jobscans newATS-friendly resume templates. Get a bonus template by signing up here.Recruiter ChecksMeasurable results, word count, and words to avoidSentence lengthNEWPredicted skills missing from the job descriptionNEWIndustry-specific insightsNEWKeep an eye out for additional new features. Jobscan is updated every two weeks and new formatting checks are on the way

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Bad Side of Bank Teller Resume Skills

The Bad Side of Bank Teller Resume Skills You listed all the ideal experience, you listed all of the appropriate abilities and you formatted your contact information solely the suitable way. The third sort is the combinational sort of resume which as the anthroponym implies, borrows features from both of the other kinds. The very first step is to choose the kind of resume that you prefer to create, and the way it will incorporate your prior experience, job history and strong points, while reflecting the demands of the jobs applied for. Use the search box to find precisely what you are searching for. Bank Teller Resume Skills Secrets The employment history section indicates the employer the type of duties and obligations you have carried out or are at present performing as a manager of a workplace. Be accurate whilst stating your experience, you may be cross-checked. Attempt to bring the duties that the specific job is trying to find. On-the-job training is offered by the ban k below the supervision of a seasoned employee and sometimes with classroom instruction. To learn more on what it requires to be an Office Manager, take a look at our complete Office Manager Job Description. To learn more on what it requires to be a Teller, have a look at our complete Teller Job Description. To find out more on what it requires to be a Bank Teller, take a look at our complete Bank Teller Job Description. Sample Bank Teller Resume Objectives Be certain to customize each resume to incorporate the name of the business. Our resume builder gives you tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. Additionally, theres no need to compose references available upon request. Discover which sample fits your credentials most and how it is able to help you produce a standout resume. There are many examples of resumes, but you have to stay sure to create your resume and cover letter with your own personal touch. In a variety of ways leadership is compara ble to teamwork, although in addition, it involves taking responsibility for your team and keeping up your influence. Communication is important in every facet of retail management. When youre adding the experience section be sure that the skills are proven with information. The education section needs to be brief. The cashier in such a situation is going to have to deal with cash in numerous transactions with clients. Thus, its possible to only develop into a financial institution teller just in the vorstellung you determine how to demonstrate an extremely good credit score. The better part of the large banks deliver competitive salaries. If youre seeking to profit on an entry-level job which can open a great deal of doors for your upcoming career, think about a job for a teller in a financial institution or credit union The New Angle On Bank Teller Resume Skills Just Released Having sales experience is essential for a retail manager since it means that you may identify w ith your employees. In the event the details furnished by the client are unclear, do not automatically think that you had the ability to decipher it correctly. For you to be noticed by employers and given the chance for an interview, your resume must be compelling. Also called an expert profile, its utilized to concisely organize what value you bring a prospective employer. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Bank Teller Resume Skills The best method to receive a fantastic cashier resume is researching the work description. Dont forget to keep every point inside this section appropriate to the job youre applying for. Try to bring the duties that the particular job is attempting to find. Great luck and receive the appropriate job soon. Tellers must understand how to operate a computer. As a teller, you can discover a work almost anywhereFully being a true bank teller might be a perfect position for you An amazing bank teller should acquire great interpersonal abilities and nee d to be 100% reliable. While bank teller jobs can function as a great way to enter the area of finance, its important that you demonstrate that you have the required skills to serve as the surface of the branch. Moreover, you can search for bank teller jobs on Monster. Bank Teller Resume Skills - the Story When writing a career objective, bear in mind that it ought to be tailor-made to fit the role youre applying for. A relevant resume sample is a helpful tool that may supply you with formatting and writing ideas as you construct your own resume. Even thought you may want to declare your own multitasking skills, you do not have to compose every tiny issue youve completed that isnt any longer inside your project description. Some math abilities and the capability to count money are necessary for tellers to accurately process transactions. The Downside Risk of Bank Teller Resume Skills The skills ought to be modified slightly to ensure it is applicable for the particular job description. The majority of the technical skills can be quickly learned at work, so prior experience isnt required either. Relevant interpersonal skills would be convenient. Communication and computer handling skills are also rather important in regards to cashier resume. Despite slow general job increase, tellers going into the field ought to be able to detect work because the occupation has high turnover, and that is going to create new openings. You only have to show them of the suitable banking moments in your past. The competition for the position out theres strong as there are lots of bank tellers that are trying to find the exact position. While banking is obviously a great deal more than simply working with numbers, resume-writing may not be your subject of expertise. The Tried and True Method for Bank Teller Resume Skills in Step by Step Detail Computers help tellers check customers financial info, and research information on products and solutions. Along with a superb grasp of many cash handling procedures a teller performs, Ive been lauded for my customer service abilities. When customers have a couple of transactions that should be processed, a teller ought to be capable of multitasking to competently manage the customers needs.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Definitions of Teacher Resume Teacher Writing

Definitions of Teacher Resume Teacher Writing Your teacher the Web to get the very best teac. You didnt choose to be a teacher since you wished to turn into rich, you did it since you have passion for education. Most teachers should list all their certifications, or any time they anticipate receiving them. Writing a great teacher resume is pretty easy as soon as you understand how to do it right. Concentrate on the value you may bring in the school based on your abilities and previous achievements. Writing for that stand out from the rest isnt as simple as the vast majority of men and women think. As you start trying to find jobs as a teacher, take some opportunity to rate your targets and techniques. Writing responses teacher stick out from the rest isnt as easy resume the vast majority of men and women think. The 5-Minute Rule for Teacher Resume Teacher Writing You can do the exact work experience and abilities. If so, your resume can nevertheless be quantified, and provide the hiring manager a concrete idea of the reach of your abilities and abilities. No matter the sort of industry youre aiming to land work in, you want to personalize your list of skills for the position. The very last thing that you want to do is apply for work in education with a subpar resume. By submitting mistake-free documents, you will allow the possible employer know that youre detail-oriented and take some time to have the work done right something they will be searching for in their prospective candidates, irrespective of the position in question. The resume objective is among the fruchtwein essential paragraphs in a teachers resumeif not the most significant. The crucial thing is to have a look at the substitute teacher job description. For instance, the methods by which you may do in order to help me. So How About Teacher Resume Teacher Writing? Writing objectives for resumes can be challenging. Writing a resume summary statement could possibly be new to you if its been a while because you have updated your resume. Its possible to divide your skills into various sections for effortless readability for the employer. There are plenty of formats you select your resume now maybe theres no format.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Ask for a Job Referral

How to Ask for a Job ReferralHow to Ask for a Job ReferralA job referral can be the best way to get your resume a closer look from the hiring manager when you are applying for a job. When youre referred for a position, and you mention this referral in your cover letter, youve got a built-in recommendation for the job in the first paragraph. Its even better when the person referring you for a job can take a couple of minutes to personally mention you to the hiring manager. Chris Forman, CEO, StartWire, says, Referrals are the 1 source of hires in corporate America. And for good reason. Research shows thatreferral hires not only stay longer in their jobs but perform better over the long term. Anytime you can get your application tagged as referral, your chances of getting to an interview skyrocket. And getting this designation is easier than you think... often times a phone call or email to HR or the hiring manager is all it takes. How can you get a referral for a job? Whats the best w ay to ask someone to refer you for a job at their company? Start by checking for connections at the company onLinkedIn. Search by company name, then click on the company youre interested in. Youll see a list of contacts in your network who may be able to assist. If youre a college graduate Check with your college career arbeitszimmerto see if they can put you in touch with alumni who works at the company youre interested in. The best type of referral for a job is an employee referral. However, clients, vendors, and other people who are connected with the company may be able to assist, as well. How to Ask for a Referral for a Job Whats the best way to ask for a referral? You can ask for a referral by sending an old-fashioned letter,an email message, or a message on a networking site like LinkedIn or Facebook. Its better to ask in writing, whichever way you choose, instead of over the phone. That way the potential referrer has time to think over if and how they can refer you for a job. Its also easier to decline in writing than during a phone conversation. When you ask someone to refer you, dont ask Could you write a reference letter for me? or Can you refer me? Just about anyone can write a letter or say theyll refer you. The problem can be what they are going to say. Rather, ask Do you feel you know my work well enough to refer me for a job at your company? or Do you feel you could give me a referral? That way, your referrer has an out if they are not comfortable providing a referral for you and you can be assured that those who say yes will be enthusiastic about your performance and will write a positive letter or give you a strong endorsement. Especially when you dont know the person youre asking very well, or if they arent familiar with your current work history, offer to provide an updated copy of your resume and information on your skills and experiences, so the reference provider has current information to work with. Employer Referral Programs Do nt be shy about asking. The person who refers you may be able to earn some extra cash if youre hired. Many employers have employee referral programsthat provide bonusesfor referring candidates for employment. If youre a strong candidate, its a win-win-win situation. You get the job, the employer gets a top-notch new employee, and the employee who referred you gets a bonus. Referral Letter Examples Not sure how to ask for a referral? Reviewexamples of referral letters for suggestions on asking for a referral, using referrals in your cover letters, and sending athank you note after receiving a job referral. Where to Find People to Refer You There are also other websites you can use, in addition to LinkedIn, to easily find your connections at companies. StartWirehelps you tap your professional connections. You can use the site to ask your Facebook friends or LinkedIn connections to help you with your search. When you search for jobs, you can see the connections you have at comp anies, and then send them a message to see if they can help.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Stay Productive Between Jobs

How to Stay Productive Between JobsHow to Stay Productive Between JobsEveryone at some point in their career deals with time spent in between jobs. But your time in between jobs can be a productive one for your career. This way you can come back into the workforce in career shape. Also, you will also have a story to answer that interview question, What were you doing between jobs?Volunteer (if you can)Maintaining your work regimen is important. Volunteering keeps you conditioned for waking up, working, and going to sleep between jobs. It also keeps your mind sharp and gives you the saatkorn sensation of having a job.The best part is your volunteer work can lead to new job referrals. When your time between jobs comes to an end, you will have people to interview with. The act of you taking a break between jobs will have paid off for your career.Clean up your web presence When is the last time you truly went through ALL of your online content? Do you even know whats out there? The Inter net has been around for more than 20 years. During that time you may have made blog comments, created a bunch of pointless online profiles, or just tested new websites.Take this time to go through all of it. You can either remove content or better yet, clean up your social media profiles. While you are at it, you can maintain your network in preparation for a return to work.Plan your next career moveThe worst thing you can do between jobs is sit around doing nothing. When your mind goes to sleep, so will your career.While between jobs start planning your next career move. Think about where you want to be in the next 5 years. Where do you want to live? Who do you want to work for? What skills will you need to know for the future?It is a good time to start planning your next career move because you have no added work pressure. You can be solely focused on what is best for you.Ultimately, your time off from work between jobs can turn out to be a reboot of your career

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The modern sabbatical looks different. But its still worth it

The modern sabbatical looks different. But its still worth itThe modern sabbatical looks different. But its still worth itFor the purposes of this article, I wanted to be clear (for myself and for you) on what a proper sabbatical looks like.What is a Sabbatical?The dictionary defines sabbatical asa period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel. Traditionally one year for every seven years worked.Once widely practiced in higher education, sabbaticals were binnenseen as a time forcollege professorsto research, reflect, and culminate their lifes work. In recent years, mora and more colleges havecited budget concernsas their reason for scaling back on offering this extended time of paid leave.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe concept of a sabbatical has been adopted by other industries, but executed in different ways. Most workplaces do n ot offer a year-long paid option. And today, fruchtwein colleges and universities dont either.Todays sabbatical looks less like a proper sabbatical and more like a career break. While the gestalter is more established, the latter is more fluid. Career breaks can be anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. More significantly, they are mostly unpaid.Is This All There Is?At some point, most of us will look up and ask the universe is this all there is?The first time I asked this question I was 22 a far cry from the typical 40,at which research suggestsmost people will experience this question like a sudden storm raging through their lives.I had just transitioned from anintern on Capitol Hillto a full-time employee. For the first time in my life, I worked a full 40-hour week, and it left me absolutely exhausted.That was 10 years ago.Dont tell any of my overachieving,Insta-obsessedfriends, but I need a break.Since youre reading this, you might need one too. But as themillennial generatio nis set squarely ongrind-mode, it can be hard tobring this subject up at parties. We are perpetually working on a new project, accepting a new position, or traveling to a new destination.The goal of this article is not to take away from ansicht achievements. Achievements are good, and our goals are worthy. In fact, I hope to add more of them to the running list I keep on myiPhone. But as we get older, the energy we use to reach these goals can and will be depleted.Can a sabbatical prevent that from happening? I asked a number of professionals to share their experience. Here are their storiesPam Kocke, Happiness Engineer atWordPress.comI work at Automattic, the company One of the perks of my job is that after five years, we get a three month paid sabbatical. Automattic is a 100% remote company, so everyone works from home. My sabbatical meant Id still be at home, but I just wouldnt log in to my computer to work. In fact, I barely touched my computer in three mont hs, and I avoided my desk.Because its fully paid, it was a no brainer. I didnt have to worry about saving up for it, and we didnt take a hit financially. It also didnt affect my career negatively. I work on a small team and my teammates had taken their sabbaticals already, so I knew how they would handle my absence. When I came back to work afterwards, they gave me time to catch up and ease back into everything. I didnt have to worry about catching up on three months of unread emailles they all went straight to the trash (important emails were routed to my colleagues).My goals for my sabbatical were to organize my house, volunteer in a NICU, and sew. A lot of people use their sabbatical to learn something new or to travel, but I really just wanted to have as much down time as possible. In the end, I did rock tiny babies in the hospital, and I did sew, but my house is still a disaster.I worried my three months would fly by. But I think because I didnt try to do too much, it felt lik e a wonderfully long break. I was ready to come back to work when it was over, excited to sit at my computer again and see my coworkers. Its been about two months since my sabbatical ended, and I am still feeling the positive effects of the time off.Kimberly Presnail,Active InternationalIn 2016, I took a sabbatical at the age of 34. After over 10 years of unexplained infertility, I made the decision to start IVF treatments. There is a significant financial and emotional investment in the process, and it was my last attempt at conceiving a child. Since my fertility was unexplained, everything was essentially a guessing game.So many people tell you when youre infertile to relax. But it can be extremely difficult when you have a demandingexecutive job, on top of the endless fertility appointments and procedures. I was so petrified to go through the intense process of IVF, and have it fail without any explanation as to why. Id then forever question whether or not stress on the job playe d a role. I couldnt control the stress of infertility, but I could control my job.At the time, our company did not have a sabbatical policy. I had been very open about my infertility story with my boss, who is the President of the company. When I ran the idea of a sabbatical by him to ensure I had left no stone unturned, he was very understanding and graciously granted me unpaid leave for 2 months. In my situation, the sabbatical was pre-planned and I had time to prepare financially (approximately $8,000). Otherwise, it would have been a lot more pressure. Pressure I couldnt afford as I was trying to reduce stress, not add to it. Plus, no doctor will write a note saying I need to be off work for IVF, sounemploymentinsurance was not an option.I would be lying if I said returning back to work form a sabbatical didnt feel awkward. There is a stigma attached to taking extended time off work. A fear of being perceived as lazy or unproductive. In the end the IVF I took the sabbatical for did not work.Five months after returning to work, I did a second round. That did work and I now have my daughter Quinn. I do not regret my decision to take a sabbatical nor my choice to be so open about my story. But I do think changing the stigma needs to start at the top. Our company now has an official sabbatical leave policy in place. And Im so happy to have played a role in that.Lauren Barbiero, Associate Director of Earned Media,W20 GroupLast year, I went on sabbatical at the age of 27. I work for healthcare-focused marketing communications firm and have been here since graduating college in 2013. One of the many benefits of W2O is that after five years of full-time employment, they allow you to take a five week paid sabbatical. However, the sabbatical must be taken in full succession (no splitting up weeks) and no checking email for the full five weeks. How easy is that? Sign me upI remember the shock on my parents faces when I told them my company was going to pay me to tak e five weeks off and travel the world.I traveled to Iceland, Switzerland, and France. Overall a sabbatical was the best thing I could have asked for. Apublic relations jobcan be grueling (as any client service job is). With late nights, early mornings, long hours, andlots of emails. Getting to take five weeks off to experience places Ive never been before andlet my mind unwindand helped me feel eager to come back to work.So, Should You Go On Sabbatical?A sabbatical is not for everyone. Some people simply cannotafford it. And for those of us who are strivers, a break maybring more stressthan relief. However, like I mentioned at the beginning of this article, energy depletion is real. If you want to work on a world-class level, protecting your energy is one of the best ways to get back to producing high-level work.What Are Some Alternatives to a Sabbatical?These days, a sabbatical can seem like a luxury to those of us chained to a desk or dutifully caring for a family. You may not be able to take off for a month, let alone an entire year. But most of us can take one day.The word sabbatical originates from the biblical termsabbath. Taking one day per week to fully rest can be just as effective, and certainly less disruptive, than a traditional sabbatical.How to Make the Most of Your SabbaticalBelieve it or not therearedown sides to taking a sabbatical. Some people complained of issues with theirspouse. Others could not handle beingalone with themselves. And still others felt as if they wasted the entire time, only to come back empty-handed.To combat these negative aspects, here are three pieces of adviceFirst, find community.You are not the first person to take a break and you certainly wont be the last. Find out where others have done and copy their success. Check out theFemale Solo Traveler NetworkandGo Wonder.Make a plan.Even if the plan is to lay in bed for a week. Or to visit your sister the next week. Thinking ahead about what you want to do, and how you wa nt to spend your time, is absolutely critical.Do something different.If youre used to looking at screens all day and being chained to your desk, do not do those things.This article first appeared on Capitol Standard.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people